Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 3 of Master Cleanse Detox

Click here for Master Cleanse Introduction

Day 3:

Last night was a little more restless. For the first time I really felt hunger. I told Dave (who was feeling a lot more positive) that one thing that keeps from tossing the towel in, is that there will need to be a major grocery shopping trip happening whenever we are finished. I am not in the mood to do that so sticking with it for that…and many other reasons!

I tossed and turned, but went to sleep with waking up twice and finally up for good at 5:30. Not really hungry upon waking, but had a stitch in my side. I hoped that my Bosu workout class would distract me from that. I have been doing just little exercise classes during this cleanse because I know that working out is part of my morning routine (what else to do at 5:30?!) but also because I want to keep muscle tone. I have been doing nothing that strenuous and just plan on the instructor telling me what to do.

Overall I, felt pretty good all day. I cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer while the kids ate macaroni for lunch. Nothing in there sounded even good. I did have a split second hesitation when I found a Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate mini candy bar in the side door. It was all crumpled and tossed it away. Old Sara would have unwrapped it and popped it in without thinking.

I am really becoming aware of how much I did that—pop in food without thinking. I wouldn't hesitate to finish off the kids lunches (gross I know), but you would think I grew up in the depression era or something with my desire not to waste food.

Tonite is a chamber networking thing and then Dave and I are off to Sahar’s for our couples massage. That has kept me going through today…any kind of distraction and something to look forward to!

View Day 1

View Day 2

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