Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 2 of Master Cleanse Detox

click here for Master Detox intro and here for Day 1

Day 2: Slept good last night. Took 15 minutes to fall asleep, but it was without melatonin or any other sleep aid. I just woke up once and then again at 5:30 to head to yoga! I am so excited about giving my body a break from working out and from all the toxins and strain I have been putting it through constant eating. My body’s only job right now is to cleanse itself and make my cells like new.

Still so surprised about the lack of hunger. I know I am not shutting off my metabolism (something I initially worried about) because I am consuming calories and nutrients. Right now I am sitting in Panera borrowing their wifi and surround by food I normally enjoy. I am in such a zone with my writing that its not even getting to me. I don’t want to sound super hero-ish as the SWF was a little more challenging today. I also had to bulk order more organic B maple syrup from Amazon because our little bottle is almost gone! I’m in this for the long haul. Dave had a lunch mtg today and I am curious what he will do.

Right now I am so excited about “tackling the bear” and getting lots of things done. I do see my mind is clearer because I am not constantly thinking about what I am preparing next for food and meals.

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