Monday, December 8, 2008

Sugar Withdrawl Recap: Day 1

Yesterday was my first day without sugar. I want to clarify that I am not counting the sugar in things like yogurt or the natural sugar found in fruit. This is more the sugar of the highly processed foods that my body craves (cookies, cake, frosting, chocolate...).

I woke up with a great start (it helped that I had overdosed on sugar intake in the days before with a KC getaway and a Saturday night out with my husband). Needless to say it is always best to start experiments like these when you know you have gone overboard.

We went to church, had eggs for breakfast, enjoyed vegetable soup for lunch and I was feeling pretty darn good about this experiment. Then trouble brewed (as it tends to do for me in the afternoon as I get tired and want that quick pick-me-up). I had promised Lucy and Megan that we would make gingerbread cookies. We did. It took everything in my power to stay out of the dough and frosting. I drank some tea and told myself that there was no way I could break down half a day in.

Late afternoon I got ready to head to the gym and could not find my keys. I searched the usual places; purses, coat and rechecked our bags from Kansas City. I began to fear that I had left them in KC somewhere and called the hotel and friends that we stayed with to be on the lookout. Then something interesting happened. I was stressed and that signaled to my brain that I wanted sugar. My thoughts went immediately to the candy corn stashed in our cupboard, the chocolate chips, the freshly made and frosted gingerbread cookies...

Several deep breaths later, I regained control. I made it. Day 1 down.

By the keys were found by my wonderful hubby in a coat that I had worn last Thursday. Sheesh...


Wendy said...

My first day was rough too. My hubby brought Reese's pieces home from work and a friend dropped off chocolate caramel cookies. Haven't had a bite. I think was having more sugar than I realized because I have had a headache the last day too. Maybe...maybe not. Who knows?

How is day 2?

Sara said...

I totally know what you mean about thinking about it way more than necessary. Way to hold strong, Wendy!