Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One item that will break the Spending Freeze

One thing. One measly little item. It even costs less then a buck.


Way back at the beginning of the year, I signed up to be the January Play-Doh mom for Lucy's school. She came home from school super excited with the big empty play-doh bucket and couldn't wait to make it and take it back to school. I agreed that it would be a fun project for us and something Max and Megan would enjoy playing with also. Who would have thought that homemade play-doh would needs 2 cups of salt? We barely eked out one cup and Lucy suggested we empty our salt shaker to try to get another cup. That didn't get us anywhere close. She was disappointed, but handled it well. She set aside the blue food coloring and the glitter we had gotten out to add to it.

I had allotted myself money for instances like this as part of the spending freeze, but the point being that I will now break my crisp brand new $100 dollar bill that I have saved for a whole week for a staple (but necessary!) item. Now that its broken how fast will the rest of it go??!

1 comment:

Dave Weis said...

You are doing great on the spending freeze! I can stop by some restaurants on the way home and empty the salt shakers into my pocket.