Wednesday, January 14, 2009

a silent sara...

I haven't had too much to say the past few days. I think I am still processing, prioritizing and trying to figure it all out. As I have said, I have set two big goals for 2009 and am fearful that I may be failing at both.

My first goal of reading the Bible this year with our church should be easy. I like to read, I want to do this and I think its important. you know I like to be efficient so Week 1 I sat down and read all of the readings in one sitting. It was one of those nights that I couldn't sleep so I got up and just read. It went by fast and I was feeling pretty proud of myself and being able to cross that "job" off the ol' to-do list. The thing is...I think I am missing the point. This is supposed to be a daily activity? Daily??! As our beloved Pastor says, "if you are too busy to read the Bible every day then you are just too busy."


On to Goal #2:
Train and complete a triathlon. I really thought this would be easier. I already work out 6 days a week, do a variety of classes and working out is something I enjoy and puts my day into focus. The thing is...I have always been an "in and out in an hour" type of person. I started my tri class last Sunday and got the workout schedule for the week.

Now its all about costume changes. Meaning: swim for 45 minutes and bike for 45 minutes one day. The next day run, but don't just run. Do intervals, increase the the incline, go for speed; but not too fast...

Did I mention the Hy-vee Triathlon is at the end of June. The end?? The end! There must be a reason that training has to begin so early and I am wondering if it is because it may be a bit more difficult then I originally thought...

Any notes of encouragement?


Kim said...

Hang in there, Sara! If there's anyone who can accomlish this, you can! Don't put so much pressure on yourself and take it day by day! You can do it!!

Sara said...

thanks, Kim! I needed that and appreciate your support. :-)