Saturday, January 17, 2009

Becoming Unplugged...

Another week zipping by in a blur. Where is time going? As I thought about how I had spent my time in the past week, I knew it had been a pretty normal, and no different then what many of you experience every day.

Getting home from the gym at 7, Dave immediately heading to work, normal shuttling of kids, activities and household stuff throughout the day, baths, dinner, family time, bedtime routine for kids, an hour to myself and Dave, collapse into bed and begin again at 5 the next morning.

The only new things tossed into the week were preparing for my writing class which is starting up again and more focus on my 2009 goals.

I am not complaining. I love my life and wouldn't want anything too different, but there needs to be a break in this. One day a week.

Beginning this Sunday, we are going to take a new approach in simplifying our lives. No Internet, shopping, errands or work. No plans.

This will be very very very difficult for us. Sunday is a time to catch up on things. Sunday is a time for me to run around sans kids. Sunday is the time for Dave to complete all of the lovely "honey do" chores. Sundays have already become more relaxed at our house since this Fall, but we are extending it throughout the day.

I am excited to go sledding or ice skating with the kids, taking family trips to the bookstore, putting a puzzle together...and when the weather gets nicer the possibilities are endless (geo caching, biking, exploring...!) So much for "no plans", but this is different kind of plan!

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