Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Creating Qualtiy Time

As important as it is to have that family time, it is equally important to incorporate time with your children individually. Dave and I are masters of tag team parenting with our weekend errands. We both go where we need to go, but realize it isn’t necessary or efficient to take the brood along on these errands. Max enjoys going with Daddy to the "fix it all" stores and Megan would never pass up a trip to Target with me. When we actually do have them in that one on one situation, we try to make the most of it.

But there is time and need to spend that quality individual time beyond the errand running. What about letting your child choose what they would like to do with you most of all? Its fun and interesting to see what they come up with. My oldest, Megan, wants to get a pedicure and go shopping. Lucy wants to putter around the giant art store in our town. Max loves bowling. These things are all doable and manageable, but most importantly the kids feel like they have a say and helps build their independence and confidence.

More to come on our fun Daughter Date Days!

Click here to read more about building confidence with kids.

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