Friday, July 31, 2009

Mother/Daughter Book Club: Starting in the Fall!

I can picture it all in my mind now. Sitting in the living room in a cozy circle, the girls drinking hot cocoa while the moms sip on tea or coffee, nodding along intellectually while discussing the great literary classics of our past. ;-)

As you can tell I am so excited about starting this Mother Daughter Book Club and for several reasons:

1. My absolute favorite thing to do with my children is to read with them.
The books I choose at night to read aloud are often the ones I enjoyed as a kid; the old forgotten classics. These books will be a perfect springboard for discussions.

2. I am always looking for different ways and ideas to spend time with my kids. With school around the corner and Megan and Lucy being gone all day this will be something that will help connect us at night and give us something to look forward to. This will probably be better quality time spent then running them to ballet, gymnastics or soccer; which admit it, doesn't really count as time spent together anyway.

3. Book classics can easily be overlooked in our busy day and age. Reading from quality literature will not only help our children be more well rounded, smarter, but it will be fun for us moms to revisit those quality books.

Each month a mother/daughter will pick the book and host at their house. We will discuss the book, draw connections between the book and real life. Lessons will be learned, points emphasized and we will all be brighter because of it.

Of course, treats will be served and I am thinking it would be fun to connect the food with the snacks. Chocolate fondue spread for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, anyone?

The club will be open to anyone ages five and up and am excited to think about the different perspectives the kids will have and how much they are all going to learn from one another.

Each month will highlight a different book.

Possible Book Ideas:

Charlotte’s Web
James and the Giant Peach
The Secret Garden
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Little House on the Prairie
Ramona, The Pest
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Wind in the Willows
Pippi Longstocking
How to Eat Fried Worms
Stuart Little
Sarah Plain and Tall

These books are merely a springboard and we would be open to any book that is chosen. Each Mother/Daughter can choose the book together when it is their turn to host for the month. Possibly meeting Sundays from 3-4:30. Please let me know if you are interested or have any other ideas! This is going to be fun!


Touch of Pink, House of Blue said...

What an awesome idea! It makes me wish I lived in Des Moines and had a daughter. LOL!

Kim said...

Hi Sara! This sounds like so much fun...would you mind if I borrowed your idea and tried to start a Nevada club??! I would love to join you in DM...but with the weekend schedule, I'm not sure how many of the times we could meet. I hope you get a lot of interest in your book club!

Sara said...

thanks for your encouraging comments! I am really excited about it!

Kim said...

Hi Sara! If and when you start your book club, let me know! I want to at least read the books your are reading and hopefully make it to some of the get togethers!

Sara said...

yes, I will keep you posted. We would love to have you join the group and make it when you can!