Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sugar Bust!

Six days without sugar. I wish I had some juicy story to tell you how I completely fell off the wagon, indulged in an entire pan of chocolate mint brownies and didn't stop until I had eaten all of the kids Christmas candy. What really happened to me is not near as exciting. I was walking through the mall and See's Candy was handing out free samples (as I think back on it now it seems more like they were thrusting the candy morsels at unsuspecting victims). I absently took a chocolate sucker as I was making my way to The Children's Place to find Lucy some white tights for her church Christmas program the next day (maybe its really all her fault?). Before I knew it, I had popped the chocolate caramel sucker in my mouth and started chomping away. I wish I could say it was decadent and that I savored it, but I didn't. I felt guilty and annoyed that it wasn't even that great.

Later that afternoon at Costco, I partook in a chocolate truffle. I knew I had already messed up my experiment so why not? I can now totally relate to how easy it would be to fall off a diet plan. By the way...that chocolate truffle really was delightful.

So things I learned from this experiment:

-Evidently I have no willpower around free candy samples.
-I truly believe that the more sugar you consume, the more your body craves.
-Taking a few deep breaths in a stressful moment is better for my body then a handful of chocolate chips
-Keeping my hands busy during baking with tea, sugar free hot chocolate or coffee actually works for me.
-Consuming yummy desserts is fine as long as they are savored and appreciated, not gobbled down without thought.
-I can have treats and goodies around the house and not be constantly tempted. As I write this , there is a a bag of M&M's in the cupboard, a can of chocolate frosting in the fridge and cookies galore around our house and I haven't even given them a thought...until now...

I knew giving up sugar would be tough and it was. I am thankful I am not diabetic and really have to watch my intake. It was a good challenge for me and am wiser now for it.

Other posts leading up to my sugar crash:

How Long Can I go Without Sugar?
Sugar Withdrawal
Timing May Not be My Thing
Am I Purposely Torturing Myself?
Maybe I am on to Something?!


Kim said...

Okay, Sara! You've peeked my curiousity...Can I go without sugar?? After coming off a weekend of Christmas celebrating with the usual yummy treats and deserts, what better time to try then when you can't stand to look at another cookie! So here goes nothing! My goal is to make it until we leave for Jamaica on Jan. 3rd...I will keep you posted! Say a few prayers for my family who may take the brunt of my decision to go off sugar cold turkey!!

Sara said...

You can do it, Kim! Keep me posted! ;-)