Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Big Summer To-Do 2011

I love starting out the summer with a list. Its not your normal "laundry list" of things that you have to clean, repair or buy. Instead its a fun list of things that you want to accomplish over the summer. Of course, this has to be done with input from the kids. After all, it is their summer too. After a school year of running here, there and everywhere we all deserve a change of plan. We all crave the opportunity to do a variety of things and be on a different time frame.

Last year when the kids and I created the list
, I was amazed at home very few of their things were the "big ticket" items. That included trips to amusement parks, water parks and day long trips.

Instead their items included many simple, creative things that involved us being near home. I guess the kids had their fill of being out and about too.

So here it is...

The Big Summer To Do

Star Gazing
Sand Castle Building
Creek Walking
Pioneer day
Climb Trees
Horseback Riding
Pick Berries
Make Sun Tea

Now with one week of summer left, how are we doing?!

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