Balance. That word can bring to mind a gauntlet of definitions and interpretations. While my fellow bloggy cohorts, Jen and Joe, have done well with finding a balance with healthful foods, I am going to strike out on a different tangent.
Balance is something I am continually trying to find. As many of you can relate, it is a challenge with a house, husband, kids, work and trying to manage it all. I love my family having varied interests, but sometimes I feel like we are going too many different directions with practices, playdates, lessons, clubs, work, school---and that is not even mentioning the weekly drudge of errands and chores.
Don’t get me wrong. We love being busy. I love the opportunities that my children have to get to try so many different things. They are lucky to be able to do that and I am appreciative.
Our family solution is that when the kids are involved in something, my husband and I are involved too. I don’t just mean showing up on time to pick them up from piano lessons or bringing cupcakes after a basketball game. We are truly involved. It could be coaching, volunteering in their classrooms, or learning how to play the piano with them. It doesn’t need to be a lengthy commitment, but at least we are spending time with our kids and maximizing our time. Plus kids have all the fun, why not have it with them?!