Friday, February 19, 2010

No, I am not a Bear...

and need to stop acting like one. I have been a bear to the kids and myself. Growly at them, but acting like I need to forage food for the long winter with myself. I cannot stop eating and it is the comfort stuff I am reaching out for.

I have not managed stress well lately and I blame a lot of factors. It is snowing again in Iowa. Evidently we are on our way to setting some global record. It is also birthday month at our house with Lucy and Megan having friend parties, family parties, school treats...Every year when February is over, I breathe a sigh of relief and vow "never again." They do need full blown blowouts.

Then 350 days later, I suffer from amnesia and want to give them memorable childhood birthdays. So as I plan their festivities (and I really enjoy doing that), I nosh on graham crackers and frosting and sugary cereal. Evidently I need to feel like a kid again.

I am recognizing the imbalance this month has been. Hibernation is over and I am getting back out there!

Read more here about balance...

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